21 June 2022

In attendance:

Dr Emma Lunan - EL - Chair

Emma Anderson - EA - Paths for All

Emma Berry - EB - Paths for All

Kirsty Rankin - KR - Paths for All

Anna Mitchell - AM - Paths for All

Alan McGinley - AMcG - Scotland Versus Arthritis

Kelly Harmen - KH - Scotland Versus Arthritis 

Paul Kelly - PK - University of Edinburgh

Chloe Williamson - CW - University of Edinburgh

Amanda McKay - AMc Parkinsons UK

Georgina Charlton - GC - Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland

Amy Hickman - AH - Breast Cancer Now

Kirsty Cumming - KC - Community Leisure UK

Fiona Cross - FC - Age Scotland

Rebekah Ballantyne - RB - Age Scotland

Ross Laird - RL Grayling PR

Karen Garrott - KG - Stroke Association

Laura Jones - LJ - RNIB

Gavin MacLeod - GMac - Scottish Disability Sport

Notes: Emma Anderson  

Item 1

Welcome from the Chair

A welcome from the Dr Emma Lunan.

Around the screen introductions.

A warm welcome to Kelly and Rebekah, joining us for their first meeting today.

Minutes of March meeting agreed.

Actions from March meeting reviewed.

Item 2

Movement for Health Workplan – Kirsty Rankin

Kirsty highlighted the workplan for the MfH Coalition moving forward and confirmation of funding. Emma Berry and Emma Anderson will continue as a Senior Development Officer job share at Paths for All, leading the development of the Movement for Health programme. An additional project funding pot of £50k has been allocated from Active Scotland funding for MfH activities. This funding will be spent on a website developer and communications contract, a Policy contract with Grayling and a media/ PR contract still to be sourced.

There is also the opportunity to pursue other funding that is available from the Paths for All SCSP fund.

Subgroups for each area of the Movement for Health work plan will be created with members of the coalition to ensure that there is a coproduction approach and that the ambitions of the workplan can only be met with buy-in from the group with Emma’s and Kirsty coordinating. 

Action: All members are invited to consider the workplan and align their organisation to subgroups that they feel their organisation can commit to supporting.  An e-mail to Emma Berry and Emma Anderson stating the available commitment of your organisation and the appropriate contact details of the person/s within your organisation who will be the member of the subgroup. 


  • Policy and Public Affairs (policy influencing and raising the profile)
  • Communications (website development, messaging, audiences, and impact)
  • Community of Practice (focus on GP Practice Award, Physical activity Referral Standards)
  • Funding (explore other areas of funding that the group could tap into)
  • Evaluation – Paul Kelly lead (evidencing impact areas across the work of the coalition)

Dates of first meetings will be arranged for the Summer once a commitment has been identified from coalition membership. Each subgroup will need a lead coalition member to coordinate and feedback to the main coalition meetings on progress.

Item 3

Physical Activity Referral Standards – Emma Berry

Public Health Scotland coordinated the creation of the standards: https://www.publichealthscotland.scot/publications/physical-activity-referral-standards/

This flexible framework is to be used by organisations and groups to help inform their physical activity offering. It has been raised that not all groups feel comfortable translating the guidelines into practice. In particular volunteer activities and their training and knowledge requirements for tier three are not being met in reality and therefore this group of physical activity practitioners feels that more detail would be helpful to put the standards into practice at a local level. This work would be the first function of the Movement for Health Community of Practice. 

Laura: RNIB would like to see more engagement with disability groups and would like to feed this in through the Coalition.

Paul: Coral Hanson’s evaluation of the standards could be really helpful. Emma B will link in with Coral.

Amanda: Struggled to get data when working with leisure trusts so sees this work as a great addition to help support and guide this work at a local level. Would like to see this work applied across the physical activity sector, as widely as possible. Sees that there needs to be something that comes after the initial 12 week interventions, something that people can be supported to be sustained beyond those initial programmes. Parkinson’s would be happy to help with this work.

EB: Would like to see at least a 1 year programme in place to support people living with health conditions.

Gavin: SDS would be happy to help with this work.

Karen: There needs to be much more support than assuming that people simply join their local gym and continue with their physical activity journey.

Action: Members who are interested to contribute to this work get in touch with Emma B ASAP. Emma B will look to meet on this sooner rather than later. A scoping meeting will be required and then another meeting to sign off on the work.

Item 4

Member Updates

Two highlights from all orgs present were given and the member update completed templates are attached to the minutes e-mail. This is the way that the updates will be reported in all future meetings to give us time to focus on the work plan progress. The template can be found on the shared drive.

Item 5 

Communications – Anna Mitchell

Presentation is attached to the minutes e-mail.

Context – MfH planning has been completed for the internal PFA communications team committed resources. PFA Comms team is committed to: 

  • Communications Plan
  • Assisting with website development process
  • Coordinating the communications subgroup
  • Internal MfH messaging across PFA workstreams
  • Supporting MfH members to communicate about PA and using MFA messaging to strengthen their PA offering.

Item 6

AOB and Date of Next Meeting

EA – An ask around data. There are anecdotal reports of people living with health conditions not being able to return to physical activity. This data would be great to collect to see the bigger picture. 

Action: EA has put a sheet on the shared drive titled Returning to PA post Covid. Please share your PA feedback specific to Covid recovery there. By end of August.

September 13th – meeting will be a workshop to design website/develop communications thoughts and ideas. Facilitated by website developer. Meeting will be extended until 1pm and will include a lunch. In Stirling at Barracks. Hybrid online option for those that cannot travel.

December 13th

EB: Could any coalition members involved in the British Heart Foundation report on non-communicable diseases. PA does not feature in these reports. If there is an opportunity to engage in promoting PA at any opportunity with BHF.

Laura: will send introduction to maternity cover. 

AMc: NHS 24 MSK helpline shut during the pandemic and has now been informed that this resource will not reopen again. This might be of interest to this group as it is one of the only resources with an MSK badge on it.


Rebekah, Age Scotland : https://www.ageuk.org.uk/scotland/what-we-do/community-development/resources-for-older-peoples-groups-and-organisations/fun-and-active-sessions-for-groups/

Georgina Charlton - the ALLIANCE : Our Self Management Award nominations are also still open, if anyone would like to nominate any of their physical activity work, would be great to see it represented. https://www.alliance-scotland.org.uk/self-management-and-co-production-hub/self-management-awards-2020/#expanded

Gavin Macleod : https://www.activityalliance.org.uk/how-we-help/research/annual-survey

P Kelly : 1. Movement and Rehabilitation Hub - looking for partners


2. Institute of Medicine - study into impacts of remote working on physical activity in Scotland


 A.McGinley : Hi just sharing The paper, titled “Quantifying the population burden of musculoskeletal disorders, including impact on sickness absence: analysis of national Scottish data”, looked at data from 220,000 new callers between 2015-18 from the ‘NHS24’ MSK helpline in Scotland. The main findings are:•Calls were more frequently from women (60%) and increased with age•66% reported symptoms that had been present for >6 weeks•Callers were more likely to be living in more deprived areas in each age band between 20 and 64 years and tended to have higher-impact symptoms•Of those in employment, 1 in 5 were off sick because of their symptoms•Sickness absence was more common among those with highest impact/risk scores from deprived areas with more acute symptoms

A.McGinley : https://academic.oup.com/rheumap/article/6/2/rkac030/6581717?searchresult=1

Kirsty Cumming : There is the Moving Communities platform for public leisure operators in England - there is participation data and reports, appreciate it is not for Scotland, but may be useful to look at as participation data is fairly consistent across our members across the UK. https://movingcommunities.org/

Emma Berry  : https://www.bhf.org.uk/what-we-do/in-your-area/scotland/ncd-prevention-report