Communications & Public Education

Explore communications and public education and discover a wide range of tools and resources to enhance your practice, expand your knowledge and inspire you to support someone with a long-term condition to move a little more.
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Training & Learning
Tools & Guides
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The Physical Activity Messaging Framework (PAMF) and Checklist (PAMC): International consensus statement and user guide
This paper describes the outputs of a modified Delphi study, the Physical Activity Messaging Framework and Checklist, and discusses how they can be used to create new messages, plan message evaluation, and help understand and categorise existing messages. If used consistently, the framework and checklist have potential to improve PA messaging practice by encouraging evidence-based and target population-focused messages. International Journal of Nutrition and Physical Activity 2021
A modified Delphi study to enhance and gain international consensus on the Physical Activity Messaging Framework (PAMF) and Checklist (PAMC)
This study presents an expert- and evidence-informed framework and checklist for physical activity messaging. If used consistently, the Physical Activity Messaging Framework and Checklist may improve practice by encouraging evidence-based and target audience-focused messages, as well as enhance the research base on physical activity messaging by harmonising key terminologies and improving quality of reporting. International Journal of Nutrition and Physical Activity 2021
Tools & Guides
Physical activity guidelines: adults and older adults
Infographic to help health professionals explain the type and amount of physical activity that adults and older adults should be doing to improve their health. UK Government 2019
Tools & Guides
It’s safer for people with long-term conditions to be physically active
Infographic summarising what healthcare professionals should know before giving advice about risk to people living with long term conditions.
Tools & Guides
We Are Undefeatable - Website
Physical activity campaign aimed at people with (multiple) long term health conditions. A ‘Supporter’s Hub’ included campaign insights and resources to help sport and physical activity sector get involved in supporting people with long term health conditions get active.
Tools & Guides
Guide to evidence-based physical activity messaging and communication. Physical activity messaging and communication resource
This guide is based on the principles of the Physical Activity Messaging Framework (Williamson et al., 2021) and aims to inform the creation of messages and other communications relating to physical activity. This guide was developed through a collaboration by the University of Edinburgh and Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. Development of this resource was funded by the Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and the ESRC Impact Acceleration Grant awarded to the University of Edinburgh. Chloë Williamson 2022
Tools & Guides
UK Chief Medical Officers' physical activity guidelines communications framework
Provides guidance for the UK and devolved government administrations on how to communicate the UK chief medical officers’ physical activity guidelines to key professionals and practitioners who are required to know, understand and apply the guidelines in practice. UK Government 2023

Members & Partners

Movement for Health is a coalition of Scotland’s leading health charities, national agencies and academic institutions.  We are united in our commitment to support the least active people living with long term health conditions to be more physically active.