28 March 2023

In attendance:

Emma Berry - EB - Paths for All  

Kirsty Rankin - KR - Paths for All  

Susan Dickson - SD - Paths for All

Karen Garrott - KG - Stroke Association

Robert Nesbitt - RN - SAMH  

Ross Laird - RL - Grayling  

Lena Brandesova - LB - Grayling  

Scott Watson - SW - SW & Co  

Shona Watson - SW - SW & Co

Malcolm Dingwall-Smith - MDS - Sport Scotland 

Rebekah Ballentyne - RB - Age Scotland  

Ashley Rideout - AR - Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine 

Sarah Curgenven - SC - Asthma and Lung UK  

Tracey Harrison - TH - MS Society  

Kelly Harman - KH -Versus Arthritis  

Anna Mitchell - AM - Paths for All  

Stuart Brown - SB - CHSS  

Gavin MacLeod - GM - Scottish Disability Sport  

Rosie McKee - RMc - Paths for All 

Notes: Susan Dickson  

Item 1

Welcome from the Chair – Kirsty Rankin

Housekeeping and scene-setting for the meeting.

Introductions from members.

External Speaker Ashley Rideout for Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine

Listed apologies

Care inspectorate will be joining the coalition as our newest member. 

December minutes agreement. 

December actions check-in.

Item 2

Movement for Health Update– Emma Berry

Dr Emma Lunan is standing down as MfH chair,  however is continuing to support in a light touch manner until a new chair is identified.  

Coalition members have been asked for suggestions for MfH to informally approach, or we have the option to go down a more formal recruitment process.

Aiming to have a new chair in place and for Dr Lunan to formally stand down for the June meeting. 

Emma B will circulate a personal spec and date/timeline for recruitment process.

Anyone with suggestions or nominations for a new chair please let Emma B 

Item 3

The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine – Ashley Rideout (30 mins)

Discussion on how Movement for Health can support the dissemination and use of resources and messaging in Scotland.  https://scotland.movingmedicine.ac.uk/

MfH press release going out this week to promote the Moving Medicine Scotland resource. 

Ashley happy to share her contact details and a PDF of the slides

Item 4 Policy Update – Grayling

An update on the SNP Leadership Election Humza Yousaf new SNP leader

Policy Update – Grayling

An update on the SNP Leadership Election Humza Yousaf 

new SNP leader – once he is elected as First Minister he will then select his cabinet. A process which will be completed by Thursday 30th March. 

Item 5

Movement for Health Physical Activity Knowledge Exchange – Emma Berry 

MfH are hosting our first Physical Activity Knowledge Exchange in partnership with Public Health Scotland. This event will focus on the PHS Physical Activity Referral Standards, aiming to provide a forum to support translating the PARS work into practice. 

Keynote speakers:

  • Movement for Health – Launch of our new branding and website
  • Flora Jackson, Health Improvement Manager (Physical Activity), Public Health Scotland
  • Dr Coral Hanson, Senior Research Fellow, Edinburgh Napier University

4 workshops will follow in for the afternoon session and are currently in development.

Registration Now Open! - Movement for Health Physical Activity Knowledge Exchange

Looking for volunteers to provide movement breaks and if you want to come along and share a workshop let Emma B know. 

RN to facilitate a Movement for Health Workshop. Other members invited to co-deliver. 

Item 6

Movement for Health Website Update – SW & Co

SW&Co shared a snapshot of the new website and explained the thinking behind the branding for the new Movement for Health website which pulls all information and evidence in one place. – To be used initially by a professional audience.  It is built to be flexible so it can be added to as the coalition grows.

Website will be live for the knowledge exchange event in May

Item 7

Movement for Health Subgroup Updates – Emma Berry

Written update for community sub groups to be circulated.

Subgroup activity will be picked up after the Easter break 

EB to Action 

AOB and Date of Next Meeting

Active Scotland proposal awaiting confirmation of funds.  There will be an update at next the meeting.

Dates of meetings for next year:

Tuesday June 20th 2023 Hybrid (Stirling/Teams) 

Tuesday September 19th 2023 Hybrid (Stirling/Teams)

Tuesday December 12th 2023 Hybrid (Stirling/Teams)

Diary invites will be sent.