With Sarah Turner, Louise Cullen & Sam Warne

We spend so much of our life at or in a state of ‘work’. This episode helps us explore the research, national programmes and work being done at organisational level to support more movement in our working day.

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Louise Cullen
HR Business Partner and Mindfulness Meditation Coach - Sea Fish

HR Business Partner and Mindfulness Meditation Coach with a background in a holistic, solutions-based approach to challenges. Louise's unique blend of HR expertise and mindfulness enhance workplace culture and drive organisational success. Her strategic insights and innovative approaches help businesses navigate complex challenges, while her mindfulness coaching fosters resilience and well-being among employees. 

Sam Warne
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of St Andrews

Sam Warne is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of St Andrews, having recently attained his PhD from the School of Medicine in a collaborative project with the School of Psychology & Neuroscience, which investigated the effect of the Step Count Challenge on participant health and wellbeing, using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Sam's research background has mostly revolved around health psychology, behavioural medicine and public health, with a keen emphasis on the relationship between physical activity and health (physical, mental, social and cognitive). Meanwhile, his personal interests largely revolve around sports – including football, hiking and primarily being an avid golfer!

Sarah Turner
Workplaces Development Officer - Paths for All

Sarah Turner is a Workplaces Development Officer at Paths for All, leading on the Step Count Challenge and Walk at Work Award initiatives. Paths for All is Scotland’s national walking charity. We champion walking in Scotland for everyone, every day and everywhere.